Mike Bodo
I understand where you are coming from
I was technically a third generation guy that played professionally, and I know and do respect the traditions of our game
But as hard as it was to qualify for the tour, nothing compared to being a rookie and not knowing the courses, the hole locations, or heck, where to eat
Add in Lousy tee times the first two rounds and you already have a pretty stacked deck.
Quite often, you’re lucky to get two practice rounds with pro-ams and weather. The yardage books in particular, make the practice rounds preparation insanely more efficient IMO.
Again, I understand and respect your point of view on it. I just know that one of the greatest hurdles I had was the disadvantage against a big portion of the field each week my first year especially. So, selfishly, I do like the data available, which in not way means it’s the correct way, just the way I prefer it!