1) 26 if I counted correctly
2) 200
3) Maybe 100 attempts. Courses where I would almost always try it are Chicago, Fishers, Ohoopee, Piping Rock, ShoreAcres, Westhampton and Southhampton. Courses where I'd never try it - Mid Ocean, Yeamons, Blue Mound (all too soft in front) and The Creek (just trying to keep tee shot dry)
4) Probably 10 successes out of 100 attempts to run balls in - skewed by being 0 for maybe 40 lifetime at Camargo. I know for sure I've also succeeded at Fishers, Ohoopee, Black Creek, Piping Rock, and Chicago. Plus one memorable day at Fox Chapel when all 4 members of my mid handicap foursome successfully ran their shots through the swale and stopped within 10ft of the hole.
5) My favorite biarritz today is the new one at Ohoopee. From the back tee its a perfect driver for me, with a green scale to match. I wish more of the older examples played longer and had even more dramatic greens. Otherwise, I prefer when biarritz's play 180ish. That's about as far as I can still reasonable control the trajectory on a hooded 6 or 7 iron. When a biarritz is 195-220 yards to the pin I'm better off just trying to carry it all the way with my 5 iron, since I don't have a low running (deliberate) shot that goes that distance.