Thanks guys!
Grey - we're currently set for Yellowstone and Utah. Yosemite we will be jumping on things as they unfold... worst case we detour to the California coast for a couple of days.
Kalen - Gozzer is fully closed to any guests this summer so if we aren't able to do a second round at Rock Creek we may just do IC.
Tom - if you're in western Montana around 9/26 I would be elated to meet up.
Joel - definitely noted! Hoping for no rain but given the weather over the last few months in Los Angeles witnessing a desert monsoon would be a treat.
Stewart - I gave a look at courses along the I-90 and it's great to hear your insights. If we have a change of plans it's wonderful to know there are backups.
Pete - Glad to hear I'm not the only one! Arches could still be in the cards but if our itinerary holds it would be a little bit further of a detour than we'd like... Just a tidy 56hrs of driving and 216 holes of golf over 16 days as it stands right now

Jeff - I have a lot of thoughts on how we can use the national budget differently. Our National Parks are definitely something to protect and visit!