The intelligencia seems to forget these two jewels, just as The Knoll is often overlooked in New Jersey.
Interested how many Treehouse dwellers have bothered to seek them out.
Gyro, glad to see a mention of Knoll. I assume you're speaking of Knoll West. At Uncle George's suggestion I played there a few years back and must relate my check-in experience. Obviously, my accent gave me away as I had arranged a tee time in advance through a guy in the shop. When I mentioned his name, Louie (not his real name) responded "He don't work here any more." I then mentioned that George had suggested I play the course as I knew he had been heavily involved there. Louie's response: "George don't come 'round here no more. Holding my ground, the next line of defense was "there's an outing going off in fifteen minutes." It was already raining and mine was the only car in the lot. Finally, "we only take cash." Fortunately I had a little. So off I went.
Banks' work there featured something I'd never seen and could only describe as mole trails on the greens, except they were by design. Very prevalent on the first green, perhaps? I have no pics but the second green was a work of art if memory serves. Also, hopefully you remember the 11th green which I've not seen elsewhere. The surface was like a bicycle seat laid upon a circle with a rear tier that narrowed to a point as it dissolved into the lower front-half of the green, separating the front half of the green into two distinct quadrants. Brilliant.
Fwiw I got up and down out of the front-left bunker at 18 for a par. Prized and memorable. The club had a shaggy and blue collar feel to it - perfect in my book.