Picked up Scotland's Gift GOLF tonight to look up something for Chicago Golf Club, and stumbled upon this passage from C.B.:
When I left St Andrews (in 1874) my clubs were tge driver, the grass club, the long spoon, the midfle spoon, the short spoon or baffy, tge wooden niblick, the cleek, the midiron, the lofter, the iron niblick, and the wooden putter - seven wooden clubs to four of iron.
To-day (1927) these wooden clubs are practically discarded. I now play with a cross between a driver and a brassy . . . I have a driving iron, a light iron, a mashie, a niblick, and a putter - six clubs, only one of yhem wooden. If you carry more clubs, you are always in doubt which to take, and while you are musing and trying to determine the right club, you have begun to lose your confidence as well as your concentration.