I will start by saying the obvious, just because a hole is "pretty" doesn't mean it is any good. However, if a hole looks like crap it probably plays like crap as well! Let’s face reality, how many ugly golf holes/ugly golf courses have we played that we would rate a Doak 10? The answer is ZERO. Let’s also be clear that great aesthetics are in the eye of the beholder. Some people for example think the aesthetic of Oakmont was much better with the thousands of Pin Oak trees that lined every golf hole. It is their opinion and they are entitled to it. I completely beg to differ. The point, however, is we are both focused on aesthetics. Some people would love to see a links course lush and green and meticulously maintained. Good for them. I would probably walk off as I want to see a true links course firm and fast and browned out and rough around the edges. Again, we are both talking about aesthetics. Some people like flower beds and fancy landscaping scattered around the design. I say keep that for around the clubhouse. To me (at least on a great golf course) that is kind of like putting too much make-up and jewelry on what is already a beautiful woman. It can make her look much less attractive and artificial. But once again, to each his own as we are talking about aesthetics. I love a beautifully bunkered golf course. I also love the aesthetic of a course like Royal Ashdown Forest that has none. I love playing along an ocean or meandering through high sand dunes or negotiating my way around tall Redwoods or Cypress trees. I thoroughly enjoy playing in a desert canyon and/or skirting alongside mountains. It is also surreal for me to play golf on an island with vistas of surrounding turquoise colored water. Moreover, there is nothing better than staring at a formidable hazard that needs to be dealt with. To me the greatest holes/courses always have some unique and/or distinctive features that make them memorable. I can’t think of a single hole that I love that doesn’t have such a feature (and I can’t think of any of those features that are not aesthetically pleasing in some way). That feature could be an amazing bunker, a deep hollow, a wild green contour, a unique tree, a daunting chasm, a beautiful body of water, a winding brook, a rumpled fairway, a panoramic view, a dramatic forced carry,..,… The bottomline is that there are no great courses that have overall poor aesthetics. As such, that is why at the end of the day, aesthetics it is my #1 criterion for ranking golf courses.