In my own world, I was blessed to be raised by a family of golf professionals.
Grandfather, dad, mom, all fantastic in their ways in various parts of the golf business. A stepdad who I feel is one of the great golf course superintendents I’ve seen.
I was exposed to an enormous amount of life experiences in playing, teaching, and learning the game, with a healthy side dose of working on maintenance crews for many years. I also had the opportunity to work with Leadbetter,,Harmon, and many others as I pursued my playing career, and later in life as I continue trying to learn to become a good coach/teacher.
Working with guys like Leadbetter is humbling. I have watched home working with many different players, and am amazed at his creativity in communicating to each student. I know he has a rep for rocking a model on his players, but I’ve not seen that in my interactions, I’ve seen an amazing eye, and ability to move a student towards a goal.
Each day I teach, I learn. I also learn I’m a long way from being an expert,
So, I’d say talent, experience, learning, commitment, and communicating ideas clearly lead to a path towards expertise from my experiences.