Having been on the KN team when they designed the original, some backstory. Yes, built for $1.6M at a time when at least $1.8M was norm, maybe $2.0. However, a questionable contractor bid low, and the then parks director was enamored with the idea of being under budget rather than spending the savings. I don't know, maybe his last project had gone over and he needed this one to balance.
Problems of a low budget included single row irrigation, which narrowed clearing, compounded by the fact that Killian and Nugent were great at drainage, but poor at golf. Specifically, the cheapest way to drain fairways was to crown them in the middle. Combined with narrow fw, it was nearly impossible to hit a fairway at least in the wooded sections.
Also, the original driving range was a favorite location of the PD. In fact, I think if we hadn't agreed to put it there, we might not have gotten the job. It was one of his key points. We thought it fell off too fast to be inviting and I think John and Trey have it in a better location.
For some reason, I recall Killian and Nugent dropping their fee from their normal quote of $100K to $65K to assure they got the job, as well. We finished the plans, (in our minds symbolically) the night JR got shot on the TV show Dallas. That was actually late, but it was the first time we shipped plans via Fed Ex for an "ungodly" extra fee, with stern admonishment that it would never happen again......it was regular practice within a month, LOL.
Ah, good times of a junior golf course architect. I only saw the site once during construction as it wasn't one of my projects to oversee.