Putting aside that George Will was right about his intrusion into politics, I cannot fathom how I seem to be the only person who knows Trump is a complete put-on. In other words, he does not REALLY believe Trump National in Palos Verdes is better than Cypress Point, but he wants you to think HE believes it.
This guy is smarter than everybody, because - unlike Black Jesus, who was a Manchurian Candidate, invented out of whole cloth - (follow me here) the majority of America knew him as a crooked developer and reality show schmuck. Yet, this man exhaled such believable bullshit, he nipped the Clinton Machine at the buzzer - with 99% of the Washington Press Corps suggesting he was the next Pol Pot.
But here is the thing, Donald Trump has absolutely exquisite taste - and knows how to express what he wants. That, kiddies, is why his ups and downs had a whole lot more ups. Whether his building, hotel or casino makes it or not, the reason for failure will not be for lack of excellent service and attention to fine details.
I once had lunch with the GM of his rescue operation in Palos Verdes. For those who don't know the history of that calamity, Donald Trump was the only guy with the guts and vision to take on a disaster and create something of real merit. No, it is not a great golf course, but neither is Old Head - although I found quite a few similarities.
Here are a few observations he had made about Trump in the five years he'd been on their team:
1. Trump has an unbelievable sense of what works and what doesn't in golf design. Not that he's an architect, but he thoroughly understands the game and can articulate the reasons for his suggestions. 2. Nothing escapes his eye. A typo on the menu, a door frame two degrees off plane, a display in the pro shop that belongs next to the register. 3. He demands top quality in every aspect of the customer experience and peppers everybody with uncomfortable questions. 4. Putting aside all the carping, this guy said Trump pays his top people big money. Whether this is all to feed his ego or not, there is no denying his facilities are always well done.
So yeah, I believe this guy was born with unbelievably good instincts - and if your home course was two Tillinghast masterpieces, it would not shock me Trump is a quick enough study to have assimilated all the great golf courses he has been exposed to - and apply that knowledge to fit his own tastes.
No, I did not vote for him. No, I did not vote for Hillary either.