A different setting/locale (to put it mildly), but something similar happened near Myrtle Beach several years ago. The Ocean Ridge Plantation in NC, which is near a family beach house at Ocean Isle Beach, has four courses. However, they had plans for a fifth -- they purchased land which formerly held 36 holes belonging to a different course, and planned to develop housing with a newly designed 18.
They fully constructed at least 9 holes of the course and maintained it. You could see a couple of holes from a nearby road. The fairways were mowed, the bunkers had sand -- I'm not sure if they ever grassed the greens, because they were always covered with tarps. Regardless, the course looked ready to open at any moment and it was that way for at least a year. Now, however, it's so overgrown with weeds that it's hard to tell there was ever a design there. It was bizarre to drive by and see the empty, fully maintained course.
Lot purchasers sued the developers at one point (I think less about the course itself and more that they never built roads or ran water lines, etc.), but I'm not sure what came of it.