The old Fitzsimons golf course in Aurora, CO is closing this month to make way for development of a fast-growing medical campus. The course was built in 1918 (or 1938, I've seen both dates used), but I don't know much about its origins. All I could find in a quick online search is that it was designed and built by the Army Corp of Engineers. The course was only open to Army personnel for a long time.
Had a few cheap, fun rounds there once the course was opened for public play. You could always see Fitzsimons Army Hospital from the course. Given its location, it seems like it was always a question of
when the course would be plowed under, not
Here's a blurry picture from an old postcard, showing the hospital and course in the background back before there was a lot of development. The postcard pic is from a site that sells old postcards and this one is for sale if anyone's interested!