I happen to live in an area that is not very diverse, rural, extremely conservative, and, unfortunately, has a lot of people that I would call as basically ignorant of different cultures, religions, differing ideas, and so on. At our club, I often hear remarks that I find personally offensive to my values. I’m not sure what “hate speech” is, but don’t think most of these biased, even racist, comments would qualify. If said to me, I’d try to think of a comment that might get through and point out another point of view. If truly hateful, I’d throw them out. However, to me one of the beauties of golf is that one can have a good time playing with people one probably wouldn’t associate with in any other setting. All of my golf buddies would not share my political views. So what if we have fun? Political correctness is entirely subjective and a poor priority for golf clubs unless the intent is to only have only “your kind of people” involved as members, which of course is biased on its own terms. I say let the members sort out what is acceptable, confront anyone that goes beyond reasonable, and live and let live.