I am "that" superintendent.
I was enjoying reading the article, the manner in which the author would decribe in detail his findings of Tom. In an instance, the entire essay lost all its purity, honest and integrity with me. I was not fired.
As the superintendent for an owner living in Arkansas, I was given the responibilty of relaying to the owner any pertinent information or happenings on the project in his absence. As with any situation where you bring confident, successful and opinionated individuals to a group, it's almost inevitable that there will be personalities that will draw you in or push you away.
I looked at The Loop project as a game changer for Forest Dunes, my career and golf course architecture in general. I never offered an opinion or asked a question just to get my way or to fulfill a self serving mission. I have over 26 years of listening, watching, playing with and knowing what the greatest percentage of golfers enjoy and that has always been my motivator.....like I mentioned to one of Tom's shapers, " if you were building this course just for me, I would hand you the keys and call me when it's done"
To leave such an interesting project, a project that would allow me to maintain a golf course with the best playing surface on the planet (fescue), under firm and fast playing conditions all of which were personal career goals should speak volumes to those of you who know my business. The overall idiocy of the previous 4 years had climaxed at a time an offer came my way in which there was no looking back. I gave my 2 week notice 3 weeks before seeding was to begin.
To you Tom I say well done. I was afforded the opportunity to play the clockwise routing this spring and I never once approached a green from the air......so so so much fun!
Mike Croley, I envy your ability to express your thoughts so vividly in writing and I was truly enjoying your essay. I would appreciate a published recant of the misinformation that you either fabricated, received from an unreliable source or embellished to help illustrate a personality trait of your subject. I have worked very hard in my career to establish a positive reputation and your written words are defametory in nature.