SL Solow,
I think NGLA's membership, Board and committees recognize NGLA's unique status in the world of architecture and golf, and as such, I think that they want to preserve their treasure , like the constitution, with as few amendments as possible.
That's not to say that a club can't make a mistake, but, so can architects and/or a panel, who can find it easier to walk away from their mistakes, without repercussions.
NGLA has done a good job of preserving what they have and I think they should be given the benefit of any doubt, until such time as they take actions to the contrary.
The vacuous rush to judgement, absent all the facts, is foolish at best.
Hiring Bill Salinetti and Matt Burrows would seem to indicate that they know what they are doing and that they are heading in the right direction.
But, that's just my opinion.