GCA has no governing bodies or certifications or credentials...the desire to set such created a very dark age of GCA in my opinion..
Mike, glad to see you have come around to the truth about GCA, not that wild eyed fake news you have posted so many times before.....
I was always told the Ivy League degree insinuated you were more likely to go into teaching rather than private practice.
In either case, its hard to get into nearly any profession. We expect 80% who get in fail within five years. And, we expect 80% of those with some desire to get in to fail to do what is necessary, but then, blame anyone but themselves.
And, even those who are big time successes, often continue to blame others when a job doesn't go their way, rather than accepting that sometimes, the other guy is pretty good at marketing, presentation, etc., too. There is always the presumption that the winning bid was somehow obtained via unfair practices or some unknown advantage. When I don't get a project, I realize I didn't market, schmooze, or present well enough.
However, I don't see much evil there, as so many have succeeded from so many different backgrounds.