Traditionally in the UK, all golf competitions or matches have been played from the same tee, regardless of the age or ability of the players. While midweek or informal competitions are often played from the yellow or intermediate tees, all Saturday Medals or Stablefords are invariably played from the back (usually white) tees. As a result, many short hitters and senior players find themselves frustrated by their inability to compete or even to reach the fairway on certain holes.
Following the assessment of the course for men from the red (or Ladies) tees, at Reddish Vale we have begun to experiment with multiple tee competitions, where men can choose which of three sets of tees to play from, and their handicap is adjusted accordingly.
Our first such competition was over 9 holes last Friday, and it attracted a lot of interest. It was encouraging to see some average ability guys choosing the red tees for the novelty value, and reporting back that they had actually enjoyed the experience for the difference it made to their playing experience. The general feeling was that no competitive advantage was to be gained by trading shorter distance for a reduction in handicap.
I can see only positive benefits in breaking down the macho resistance to playing from forward tees and particularly in removing the gender connotations with the forward red tees. Ideally we will introduce a fourth set of tees even further forward rated for both men and women and allow even more choice.
Has anyone else in the UK had experience of similar experiments? It would be interesting to know what potential problems we face.
Incidentally this was the first qualifying competition we have ever had that was open to both men and women. My wife Jayne was the only lady participant.
She was also the overall winner!