Lorne is a fine person whom I have known and occasionally played with for c. 30 years, He knows well his grasses, his golf and its architecture. That being said, his opinion re CS vs. the World is his opinion, as are the opinions of others on this thread, including (now) me.
To me, to say the "best" agronomy is just a point of view in a moment of time. For example, in the nearly 40 years that I have played golf in the UK, I have heard the meme that the best greens in the UK are at Nairn. I've played that course, many times at many times of the year and still come off the 18th saying "Where's the Beef!" I've also played most of the most highly thought of courses south of Hadrian's Wall, again many times at many times of the year, and I have yet to see a golf course in Albion or the Pays de Galles which is presented as well, or has truly running and as challenging greens, as numerous courses north of the Border, mostly every year, at any time of the year.
Even on this mostly thoughtful web-site, the Sassenachs, seem try to defend their territory without any ammunition...
And as for the USA, of which I know a bit due to my 40+ years of being born and being there, the best greens in the world live there, but 'tis a tremendous pity that the so many of the courses designed by the Dead Old Guys (tm) have become bastardized by member-pressurized thick roughs and constricting muli-variable options of approaching greens.