I think the existing application (15/01035/P) is fine (although technically unworkable as it doesn't have an internal staircase - minor detail). It keeps the building looking as it has done for many years, and presents a good face to the Links. Anything more needs a bit of looking at.
In this instance I shall be writing to support this scheme, so that I can use the opportunity to say that the conversion of the building to residential use seems to be appropriate, but that any future proposal which over-develops the site or puts the historic view from the Links at risk, would will be undesirable.
Anyone that wants to do the same, or your own version, should do so by e-mail before the 17th February.
You can e-mail direct to,
but you must quote the Application number 15/01035/P, 2 Ravensheugh Road, Musselburgh and state whether you are supporting or opposing or just commenting.
You can also write to,
Planning Department, John Muir House
Brewery Park
East Lothian
EH41 3HA.
Again quote reference number '15/01035/P - 2 Ravensheugh Road, Musselburgh'.
You can also comment on line, but will need to register on the web-site before doing so - not onerous but a bit tedious.
I think it is worth putting a marker down at this stage, so that East Lothian at least knows that Mrs Forman's has a significance to the history of golf, and that people care about it. There is a good level of concern nationally and internationally, and the more comments they receive the more notice will be taken now and in the future. I shall keep an eye out for future applications.