This tour sounds absolutely terrific: it is just for professional golf course architects.
So has anyone ever seen anything similar for lay people? Just ordinary golfers who are interested in golf course design? And conducted on an on-going basis?
And it could be done anywhere. I am sure that local Seattle golfers (like me) would love to walk, say, Chambers Bay with one of its designers who could explain it. (Or any significant course -- I am just mentioning Chambers Bay because it has received so much attention.)
From my experience as urban planner/real estate developer I know that the vast majority of people have little idea what they are seeing when they walk around a city.
Likewise I know that (as a relative beginner) when I walk a golf course I know that I am unable to see the subtleties, or even the obvious design decisions, made by the designer.
So I'd love the chance to walk a signficant course and have an expert explain what's going on.
I bet that such a niche travel business for such tours would have customers.
In fact, it could be an add-on to a round: Play the course _after_ a “walk around” with the experts — would certainly enrich the whole experience, and maybe lead to better scores?
(An additional note: With modern technology, such interpretative tours could be made possible via iTunes etc far beyond the few able to have a live guide.)
An issue with guided tours might be conflict with people actually playing golf. But obviously it can be worked out somehow.