Below is a photograph of a letter that is part of the Old Elm archives. They've reached out to a number of researchers for comments and ideas as to its veracity and why it has been at Old Elm evidently since its beginning. The content of the letter has some at the Club convinced that it might have been an overture to build their club that was never followed through on.
In any event they are hoping that those on might have some ideas as to the individual parties (there was a recent thread about Jock Macgillicuddy on here because of this) such as who "The Committee" may have been, etc...
The letter mentions a "blueprint of a proposed layout" being enclosed. The club has long believed that blueprint is the one that I posted on Ed Oden's incredible thread collating all drawings that members come across. I will also paste that below.
I have shared my ideas and opinions with the club (and after asking they gave me permission to post drawing and letter) and so I'll keep those to myself for the moment. The one thing that I will share is that I am of the opinion that the drawing absolutely could not be from 1894 because of how detailed and mature it is and so must be a copy of an original design drawing if not an actual one ca. 1913-14. In addition, it mentions a specific RR that wasn't in existence until later several years later (thanks to a friend at the USGA for that piece of info) which also proves it couldn't have been done in 1894.
They, and myself, are looking forward to seeing what the group might be able to come up with!