~BH: Super strong par4 that has improved with revised bunkering. Tee ball is critical as the closer you take on the dogleg, the more you cut off the 2nd shot. Green is appropriate for a shot of 200ish with generous opening into the green with a predominant back left to front right slope which favors a ball coming in from the right side of the fairway (closer to running through dogleg the better the angle of approach. I think aesthetically the hole will be improved with the scrubby pines taken out and maybe even a few trees taken out of the dogleg.
~RF: Actually think this is a nice par 4 with a nice tee shot coming off the hill. Would maybe be improved with some tree removal, and I don't think a tee ball down the left really makes for much of an improvement of your second shot so generally middle to right side of fairway is totally fine. Green is decent, but overall not terribly interesting, and is easier to chip up to from short, but the lone bunker makes me want to at least play middle to back edge approach.
~ UM: Well...Ben and I can't disagree more on this one. I think there is very little strategy involved in this hole as I don't see it as a reasonable 2-shotter opportunity so whether I snap hook left, block right into the traps or bomb one down the middle, I'm mostly thinking about hitting whatever gets me to the bottom of the hill for a little wedge or short iron. I think the green lacks pin placements and the group of trees left short of the green are an eye sore and makes the 2nd shot really boring as I don't really see it as a reasonable risk to go for the green from a downhill lie challenging the trees (although I'm sure safety for the 4th tee is a consideration).
~BH: Well, I'm starting to feel like a Homer, but I think no.4 at Barton is one of the strongest holes on the course although fairly easy generally. The tee ball is fairly generous as you can hit hybrid to Driver and end up with a shortish iron either way you go. However, angle into the green is critical if the pin is left or right as the large green is pretty heavily bunkered left, long, and right. Green has tons of subtle breaks and plays dramatically different for me all the back to my tee shot depending on pin placement.
~UM: Really like this hole for a couple reasons and would be my 1st pick against most holes at BH or RH if it wasn't the 4th. Driving to a blind landing area where ideally you challenge the right side to get the most out of the fairway tilting towards the left rough. Green is heavily tilted back to front and certainly a hole you want to stay below if you want a good chance at birdie or not 3 jacking from even close range if you're above the hole.
~RF: I don't recall ever playing it from 197yds as the scorecard calls from the back tee, so from my recollection it was generally a mid iron up to a raised green. Good 1 shotter for sure, below the hole is a good place to be. Nothing to complain about, just see it as the lesser of the Ann Arbor 4th holes.