It is the heather which makes NZ narrow, but all the trees in the heather make recoveries just about impossible...or at the very least, tiresome. Countless times I have been stuck trying to hack out of heather, yet under trees...that combo doesn't work well. Literally, hundreds of trees could come down without any problem at all. I would say NZ is about as tight as Huntercombe.
I put a number next to each course because that is how I see it, but I am open to changing my opinion. I only mention grouping so folks don't get overly focused on the many do for mag rankings.
I still consider Pennard the king of the 2nd tier links in GB&I, so all the others such as Silloth and Machrihanish have to bring up the rear.
Maybe Tralee is much improved, but honestly, when I played it, the course was an architectural mess..never been back.