Greg - somewhat akin to Charlie's point: it strikes me that, ironically, you are giving rankers and the rating process more respect and credence and validity than many of us here would be willing to give. By focusing on the 'unqualified' rankers who are paying for the priviledge but who don't have the requisite skill, you are implicitely suggesting (and reaffirming the value of) their opposites, i.e. presumably 'qualified' rankers who are not paying for the priviledge and who do have the 'requisite' skill. And when you do that, i.e. posit identifiable qualifications and quanitfiable skills, you are a very close to positing some objective value and truth to the rating process. Now, I am the first to admit that anyone on here who is a ranker/rater is much more qualified than someone like me -- invariably they have played hundreds of more courses than I have, and play a much better game of golf than me. But that doesn't mean any amount of 'qualifications' makes their opinions about a given course 'objectively' more valuable than mine.