Detroit (5 courses) - Meadowbrook, Pine Lake?, Cascade Hills?, Flint?, Red Run?
Meadowbrook- he did 6 holes or just 6 greens. Pine Lake-not much left my friends say. Flint- pretty much intact, have played once. Red Run is, a one or two new holes.
Red Run GC was originally designed in 1914 by Bendelow and redesigned in 1916 by Park, Jr. Red Run has some fantastic false fronts that are on display when conditions are firm and fast - #1, #3, #7, #12, #14, #16 and #18.
Mr. Park, Jr. would hardly recognize Red Run, Pine Lake and Meadowbrook due to overplanting. Park, Jr. courses in particular seem to be overplanted more than most. Maybe we should investigate the reasons why?? One theory - because of the subtle nature of his designs superintendents / course committee members are more likely to rely on trees for defense. If a Park, Jr. golf course is not maintained firm and fast the brilliance is hard to experience and see.
I found this quote from The Game of Golf relevant, "Trees are never a fair hazard if at all near the line of play, as a well-hit shot may be completely spoiled by catching in the branches. An occasional wall or fence or stream of water or pond to be crossed cannot always be avoided, but I do not recommend the making of such hazards merely as hazards." - Willie Park, Jr.