In an effort to prevent any chilling of the discussion in this thread, I have been merely monitoring it. Now, I received the following email this afternoon:
"To the Members of Torresdale–Frankford Country Club:
At the Special Meeting of the Certificate Owning Members of Torresdale–Frankford Country Club called for April 22, 2014, the Motion to Authorize the Plan of Transfer to enter into a Special Alliance with the Union League of Philadelphia was approved.
There were 149 Certificate Owners who were eligible to vote on the motion and 134 of those eligible cast ballots. The final vote was announced by our Judge of Elections, [name redacted], to be 133 in favor of the motion and one opposed.
I thank the membership for their unprecedented turnout to vote for this Plan and for their support of this Motion and Plan. I also thank the standing committee which worked so hard to negotiate the Plan which was approved.
Under the terms of the Plan, the Certificate Owning Members will be called upon to vote on the Enhanced Master Plan and to approve changes to our By-Laws in accordance with the approved Plan. The membership will be kept advised of further meetings which may be necessary and any additional developments.
[name redacted]