just for kicks, what would the coldest winter in 120 years in winnipeg consist of? Has it gotten above -20 (F or C, take your pick)?
As I write it is -24 C (-11 F) with a windchill of -35 C (-31 F)
Average Daytime High in December was -16.2 C (2.8 F)
Average Overnight Low in December was -25.5 C (-13.9 F)
Average Daytime High in January was -13.5 C (7.7 F)
Average Overnight Low in January was -26.5 C (-15.7 F)
Coldest night was -38 C (-36.4 F)
None of the above include the windchill, which has brought the "real feel" into the -45 C to -50 C (-49 F to -58 F) range some nights.
It seems like a long while since the kids had recess outdoors at school.