I know plenty of guys with under 8 handicaps that work hard at their game, and are proud and competitive, that don't really give a crap about architecture of the course, unless they deem some aspect "unfair". They tend to be purely aerial artists, that play a target game, like it soft and 'receptive' on the greens, and are good putters on unremarkably contoured greens. They work at their aerial games and their sand saves, etc. And, they are uninterested in GCA, its history, etc. And, I know guys who rarely break 80 (cough, ahem) who are very interested in GCA, work at their game and just don't get better, but are passionate about GCA... and some even know a thing or two about it.
Then again, there are low handi's that know plenty about GCA, and can play the ground and wind games, love firm and fast, and are as good as the aerial artists, but more creative in 'conditions'. So, handi don't mean that much, yet it can indicate both ability to play, and understanding at a higher level of play. I like to know people's handi, when discussing GCA. For those that are not wizards of the game, but passionate about the GCA, or those that have high skills, it always has context to the discussion, IMHO.