The newest ultra-dwarfs are much, much better, but unless the club is willing to spend $$$$ with frequent aeration, verticutting, chemicals (sorry, organic types), etc., they are no panacea.
Nothing is a panacea, but there is no way ultradwarf bermuda greens will require as much chemicals (sorry, non-organic Lou) as bentgrass greens do.
As Tony Nysse notes, location (geography, climate) is a key, but even then other factors might be in play. I've been told that the very upscale Escondido in Horseshoe Bay is going UD, while right across the street, the new Nicklaus private club chose bent. I doubt that the Snob Factor is driving it. Maybe people have weighed the pros and cons of each grass type and no large majority preference has been established- some like bent, others UDs. And perhaps there is some merit to the micro-climate arguments I keep hearing about.
As that is what it is really coming down to for these clubs that have to choose one grass or the other-"When do you want to have the best putting surfaces with the least amount of disruptance to play?" Summer/Fall-UD or Winter/Spring? Each grass needs to be aerified and/or verticut/topdressed, but when do you want to deal with it? Bentgrasses are going to be a spring and fall aerification. Spring aerification to prepare for summer. Fall aerification to heal from summer. Or 2x aerification on a UD in the summer-May/June and August. Really boils down to when each courses play is the most and what grass can accommodate it.
Well put. This is exactly what I was told by an architect buddy who has put in all kinds of greens on his designs. The maintenance costs, according to him, basically wash. It's all about when your high traffic season is, and having good greens at that time.
I'd add that it appears to me that bent maintenance plans, at least in my part of the South, have changed dramatically over the past few years and the higher temperatures. Our super opens up and sands our bent greens virtually every Monday through July and August, and does a couple of additional full aerations as well. Much, much more labor intensive, but we've had good greens to putt on all summer because of it.
BUT our club is in the process right now of putting in a Champion test green adjacent to the practice area to see how it does. If it goes well, I would expect to see us convert next summer? I think our owner may be getting tired of the constant process of repair and member complaints early each week. Just a guess.