Great summaries of each of the holes, Mark.
I'll try to describe the evolution and changes to the course. Lynn, our resident Soule Park member can correct me.
Key MilestonesFeb 28, 1961 - City supervisors approve plans to build a golf course in Soule Park, in eastern Ojai
Located on a 194 acre site that was sold to the city by sisters Zaidee & Nina Soule for $50,000.
Aug 11, 1962 - Soule Park Golf Course opens
Designed by William Francis Bell, son of William P. "Billy" Bell.
Billy had nothing to do with Soule Park- he died in June, 1953.
Spring, 2005 - Heavy rains erode the walls of the large creek that runs through the course, causing significant damage to multiple holes. The 7th and 15th greens were almost completely washed out.
Gil Hanse and Jim Wagner hired to make repairs and enhancements to the course. All greens and surrounding bunkers were rebuilt. Some greens and tees were new.
Here's a before-after example of how the look of the course changed. This is the approach to #2.
The current front 9 is the original front 9. Hanse Design had flipped the 9s in order to avoid finishing in the somewhat featureless land between the clubhouse and Ojai Ave. The club has since since flipped it back.
Routing evolution, changes#1 - Green moved 20 yards left, near the location of the original 7th green
#2- 6 - Relatively unchanged
#7 - Maybe the most popular hole on the original course. 3rd shot was all carry over Creek. Now it is a long par 4 to the nice green Mark mentions.
#8 - Originally a brain-dead uphill 300 yarder. The tee shot plays over the creek now and the new green is about 10 yards left of the original.
#9 - If you remember the original, you can't argue that the current is a big improvement. Hanse replaced trees with a diagonal bunker complex and moved the green back, combining it with the putting green.
#10 - Probably the one hole that looks exactly like the original, with better green contours.
#11 - This had been #4 in the revised routing. Scene of the wonderful, new cross-bunker that was filled in by upset members who thought it was unfair. I think the right third of it is still there.
#12- 14 - Same locations. 14 green moved 5-10 yards back and right. Cart path rerouted along the outside of the hole
#15 - Pretty much the same. New cart path cutting in front of the green rubs some people the wrong way but I'm sure there was a good reason for it.
#16 - New green angled diagonally.
#17 - The original 18th played in reverse. This was the #1 tee shot on the revised routing. Tee is located on the original two-tier 18th green which was a wonderful setting to finish a round.
#18 - The original 17th played in reverse. Much improved, reachable par 5 with a diagonal carry over a dry, overgrown ditch. Another good cart path rerouting- the old 17 had it running along the ditch, almost going right down your line of play.