Putting the debate on the pros slow play aside, the bigger issue at hand is the muni golfer. Although the muni golfer does stupidly model himself after the pros, how long the pros take is irrelevant especially with PVR, we can fast forward through the crap.
The big issue is regular folks trying to get a round done in a reasonably amount of time. We could convene panels, write essays online, educate marshalls how to more effectively move the people along and a host of other things that most probably wont get any concrete results.
The above way is kinda like waiting for the government to come in and fix a problem.....history has shown.......
Want to fix slow golf, keep an eye on your group, tell the guys in your group how to play quicker(nicely). There are some guys in my Sunday group who bitch about never going off first, now I know these guys very well so my response "because you are a *#@*ing slow golfer Andy, you dont give a shit about the other 11 guys waiting for you to clean your ball" This is always met with a couple of good laughs and Andy not really caring either way.
Dont wait for somebody else to make sure your fellow golfers are staying up, take it upon yourself. I appreciate it will lead to some issues but I have had enough of supporting the golf industry in my area and some jack ass comes out and says I paid for my green fee, I can take my time!