I think the challenge of coming up with a routing with balance and interesting hole lengths is absolute key to this, and really what it is all about. I assumed we were to actually act as though this was a real job, so, this means you have to sort out the puzzle of routing around the best possible features, but of course, you cannot have it all, and have to cull or edit where possible to fit the best routing and not justify a bunch of long holes or not enough short holes, because you couldn't get them to fit. That to me is part of the exercise - same goes for green tee transitions, if you have a great hole, but the walk is deemed too long, then you should look to find an alternative - that, I assume is there are actually professionals who do this, because it is bloody hard. I had to change my sections in my routing, reverse the nines, drop holes, and find new ones, because on closer inspection, I didn't feel the balance was correct.