Beer and music. Though my philosophy with regard to beer is very similar to my philosophy with regard to golf courses. I generally won't buy for myself anything that I don't consider a very high quality product. You will not find mass produced domestics, almost anything imported, or even domestic "macro-micros" (i.e., Sam Adams) in my refrigerator. But I'm more than willing to drink whatever you put in front of me. I'm not so much of a beer snob that I will refuse to drink at your house if you have a refrigerator full of Miller Lite. If I'm at a local dive, I have no problem drinking MGD or Rolling Rock. When it comes to golf, I typically won't choose to play anything that I don't consider a high quality golf course, but if you make a tee time at a local dog track and invite me to be in your foursome, I'll play just about anywhere.
Not with music, though. I generally try to avoid listening to anything I don't want to listen to, and while I go to a lot of concerts, I don't particularly enjoy live music for the sake of live music. I want to see the bands I want to see, and that's pretty much it.