Hi everyone, newbie here. I absolutely love this site! It is fantastic.
This is my first topic. I believe this to be a valid architectural question (in addition to maintenance). Please shoot me if I am off base asking this question in this forum (mods: please delete this topic if that is the case).
I have a question regarding Dormant Bent Greens, and any supposed permanent or long-term damage that may occur from winter play.
I just recently moved to Colorado from Northern California, and was surprised that my club decided to disallow play moving forward during the winter due to damage that may occur to the greens from winter play. This is a new phenomenon for me, as this never occurred in NorCal, and I can't quite wrap my head around the reasoning, especially when there are so many other courses that are open in the general area.
I know that many of my friends back east play their greens during the winter, weather permitting. Obviously we are at a very different altitude here, so I'm not sure if that is a factor or not. But I would think that the spring grow season would allow the greens to rebound from any damage that may have occurred while the grass is dormant?
In addition, are there any mitigating factors from a maintenance perspective that could be put in play that would help soften the damage, or help the greens rebound quicker in the spring while still allowing winter play?
Obviously I'm not an expert on the subject. I would appreciate any input you all have in helping me understand why I'm not playing golf, and how prevalent this approach is across the country during the winter/dormant season.