Niall and Joe,
Thank you. I have heard that as well. But one never knows what one is capable of until they do it. I am sure a few people would willingly give some advice. The Ryder Cup record is also a great point as he went 7-9-2 though James and Torrance were worse I believe. I also would counter that he has won 2 majors including The Open which has gotten him into the Hall of Fame. I don't mean this to be critical of any past captains as I believe they did very good jobs but more to point out why Sandy Lyle should have a chance to be captain.
I believe he asked not to be on the team because he wasn't playing well. I personally do not hold that against him if that is truly the reason as it was for the good of the team. Kaymer seemed lilke he would not have been displeased by missing out this year (that was before last week) probably because he wasn't on top form. If it is for a lack of interest than it is a different matter.
Seve captained in Spain and that seemed pretty special so I am hoping for a Scot to lead the way in 2014. Sandy given his major record seems deserving to me. But your point is well taken. Should a Frenchman be named for Le Golf National? Right now I would say others are more deserving. I do think we will hear talk of Van de Velde in the future for that one (2018).
Larry Nelson was actually going to be captain but then allowed someone else to take his place and then things went wrong for the next Ryder Cup. I am not sure Sandy Lyle ever got the offer. It is terrrible what happened to Larry Nelson. Just terrible.
Maybe the perspective I come from that it is an honour or reward for what one has done is the wrong one and that marketing is a bit more important. I am sadly not sure Nelson or Lyle would get the fans more interested. I will say Clarke and McGinley should be captains and I have no doubt they will do a great job, I just think they both can wait 2 and 4 years.
Great points guys, very helpful in getting me to think this through more. Did I sway you a little?