Now, now, that's a little disingenuous of you. You're not casually "commenting" on the golf course, you and others are attempting to bash it for reasons unrelated to it's architecture.
That isn't true Patrick. I commented that the course looked to have a couple of interesting holes along with artificial earthmoving, a minefield of bunkers and exaggerated green contours. It was you who jumped down my throat for having that opinion, even though those elements are easy to discern from images. I would have said the same thing even if Matthew Mollica developed it.
Those images are enough to determine that I really have no interest in playing it - apart from a once only curiosity factor. But you are right in one other aspect - Trump's stomach-churning personality makes me loathe to hand over any money to the man. That, and the fact that Martin Hawtree's work in Australia has been beyond crap.
Try being honest for a change.
Much like you, I am never anything but.
No it wasn't.
Who told you that ? Or is that just another uninformed personal opinion ?
Straight from the horse's mouth:
"The credit for this web site belongs to Chris Sutton and David Baxter, who quit their jobs to launch Sitesuite in Australia in 1998 I knew them through work and they approached me about sticking anything into their web hosting software in order to help them show corporations how well it worked.
My brother John and I had written a couple dozen course profiles at that point, mailing them to friends at Christmas. We had always taken photographs of courses, so I said, ‘What about a site on golf architecture? We have about sixty pages of text and dozens of photos – would that work?’
My brother John was familiar with a discussion group called Bravenet in the United States. He asked me to ask Chris and Dave if they could add a Discussion Group feature."
Michael - I am sorry you appear to believe I loathe all things American. I loathe Paris Hilton, but I assume that is a universal reaction. I am merely winding Patrick up because he constantly accuses me of being anti-American merely because I have the temerity to question his grasp of history and economics. Hopefully I will meet Lou Duran one day - that should prove I am anything but anti-American.