Jim H,
I was disappointed that you didn't respond to Geoffrey Child's questions, because that would give us a frame of reference with respect to what you are aware of, and what Geoff is aware of. If you could respond, it would be helpful.
Are you aware of the substantive changes to the second green and third hole that took place some time ago ?
Geoff Childs & Jim H,
What department at YALE is resonsilbe for the oversight of the golf course, from a maintainance, finance and architectural perspective ?
Who is/are the individual/s that head up these departments ?
Who is the individual that determines the capital and operating budgets for the golf course ?
Who is the individual who has the authority to approve architectural changes to the golf course ?
Who would a Superintendent report to at YALE ?
Before anything positive can happen, the powers at YALE must undergo the six steps of rehabilitation.
Recognition of the problems
Vision to restore the golf course (Bahto Plan)
committment to the successful future of the golf course
funding of capital and maintainance budgets
implementation of the plan (Bahto Plan)
maintainance of the golf course as architecturally intended.
Until this happens at the highest responsible level, little will change.
I would suggest shedding a little sunshine on the specific individuals responsible for the care, and future of the golf course. Sometimes the light of scrutiny motivates people to perform admirably.
Tommy Naccarato,
Wasn't your nickname "sunshine" ?