Mike Young,
You know perfectly well that the first PM you have quoted (that's another basic tenet of GCA broken, the publication of PMs) was from me. You also know perfectly well that I have, in post 120, "written it out front". That appears to be a deliberate attempt to mislead.
I understand from another board member that your conduct is not uncommon in the modern USA. You claim to have had support, though choose not to quote these PMs. If that is true it is genuinely sad that there should be support for such a fundamentally undemocratic act on a discussion board with a highly educated membership. I stand by my post 120 and by my PM, which you have chosen to publish without consultation.
It is ironic that in your latest post you cannot even spell Mr Kmetz's name correctly. Perhaps a little more thought and a little less reactionary nonsense might be advisable. You have offerred no justification for choosing to become personally involved in Mr Kmetz's life. Indeed, you reaction is in marked contrast to the supposed victim here, Tom Paul, who has made contact with Mr Kmetz to discuss this with him personally. That approach is as admirable as your approach is despicable.