Braveheart the 1995 film c/o Mr Mel Gibson who has not only lost his own identity, but seem uncertain of his nationality too was a total load of ballocks. Gibson film corrupted the truth and the hard fought battles in the pursuit of Scotland’s idea of freedom. Today that freedom is tangible in that that our Royal House claim to the throne is through the Stuart Kings of Scotland. We have two voices one in our Scottish Parliament and one at Westminster. We can interfere in English laws but the English cannot do the same to us as they have no say in our Scottish Parliament.
I am, subject to age, available to be called up to serve Scotland in her armed forces as and when that happens, but as I do not live in Scotland (at the present time) I have no right in voting for or against an independent Scotland. So say the SNP who reassure us that they seriously care about the Scottish Nation and her people.
One has to wonder if the SNP is the latest film being released by Mel Gibson, because again one wonders just how much of the truth will be distorted this time and will Scotland history be one of the first casualties?
PS A thought, in the 20th Century we went to war against many countries, so does that mean that we boycott their products, companies and travelling to their countries. Or have we all owned some Italian, German, Japanese etc., etc. goods be it cars, cloths, domestic appliances etc., etc. Or is it just John who has decided to blame one of the victims of the Lockerbie attack, yes I mean Scotland and her people. Yet I recall a report on the CIA furnishing Gaddafi and Libya with arms and explosives in the 1980’s – What a mad, mad, mad, mad world we live in and it’s getting worse when a country for the right reasons seeks closure with what was intentionally meant to be a humanitarian act or is this just another massive movie set directed and written by a Mr Mel Gibson?
The early history of golf was so much easier to understand, come on let’s change the subject and have another debate about Merion apparently they have some Tom Morris clubs in their clubhouse.