For me, it was the golf course at Sheppard Air Force Base. I grew up playing in Augusta, GA and then with buddies at Univ. of Georgia. However, golf was always an after-thought. It was just a way to hang out with friends and drink of few beers.
I went off to Pilot Training in Wichita Falls, TX - Sheppard AFB. After being there, Wind Creek Golf Course was cheap and a great way to get away from the stress of training. To top it off, I then became sick and was grounded. What does a grounded pilot do to pass the time and not think about the fact that I am not up in the air. I went to the golf course every day....not 6 days a week...EVERY day.
Wind-swept, barren golf. I fell in love with the game and developed a passion for it that will never be satisfied as long as I walk this Earth.