I am hoping to play several new courses this year, many of which rose up my list due to stuff I read here on gca.
First, I am hoping to see more of my new home state's (OH) fine courses... Short list includes OSU Scarlet (to see which side I fall on the re-do debate, and to play any Dr. Mac course, even if not much original remains), Springfield (loved CCC and Granville and hear it may be as good or better Ross than those), Scioto (have had several rounds there cancelled due to weather and work...hope it finally pans out) and Moraine (not originally on my radar, but hear a lot of love for it). Still haven't played MVCC or the Golf Club...maybe someday. Also hoping to get up to Cleveland at some point...long list there.
Back on LI, I have rounds lined up at The Creek (been waiting to play there since high school) and Nassau (played it only once and really want to see it again...fun course...and OT a really cool old clubhouse). Always try to get out at Bethpage too...sentimental favorite for me, and haven't played the Red in 3 years. Also going to head out east to play Tallgrass and hopefully a few wish list courses (if my big bro can line them up).
Finally, plan to visit my brother that moved to Omaha...we have been researching / planning a drive out to the Sand Hills with a few stops along the way. This is top of my priority list, but subject to my bro's busy work schedule.
Hope to have the chance to meet some more gca folks this year...had the opportunity to play with a few last year, and it was great fun.