As posted several times before and following the Sand Hills template, the beauty of the national destination model is it need not be expensive, but it has to be good. Most members visit only 2-3 times per season and the sense of belonging to something special is important. No matter the club, don't underestimate sense of place, and belonging. If you are considering joining one, I'm happy if you choose any of the options, so I don't see anyone else as competition. Each is different and one may simply fit you better than another for a number of reasons. The people who choose Dismal (including a handful of guys here) love it, and I suspect it will be the same with Ballyneal if they do things right. Based on activity at Dismal, I believe there is plenty of interest in all of the clubs.
Greg T - Yoiu are indeed wise. We would welcome the opportunity to work with Ballyneal as I can see real benefit for both clubs, and together there would be some real operational efficiencies. I agree with you that the clubs being aligned would be something very special, and unique, in the world of golf. Having access to both cool places under one membership would probably appeal to an even more broad base, especillay if the cost to join was very resonable. And, the existing members would be free to play either, or both, as they see fit.