Very well put! It's not only the American Dream, it's the world's gift from golf! Even in today's modern era, look at Argentina, Paraguay, India and China. All have seen some of their best players, often caddies from modest means, win at the game's highest, competitive levels. This spurs interest and belief to the youth and others in those respective nations, that golf can improve their situation and sustain a lifetime of enjoyment from the sport. And how about the countless others, who function daily in other needed capacities, within and outside the game, that cut their teeth earning while learning many of life's lessons as caddies.
The inconsistent experiences some on this site and in general, those that have taken caddies are often subject to...is generally the result of poor resoursce commitment or management of the caddie program. Anything done well is an art; caddying is no different. It taking solid mentoring and training to quickly master the skills necessary for competent caddying.
The complaints of those having to share their caddie in a double-bag situation are easily solved. Work WITH the caddie to ease their task. They aren't a donkey out there, you're hopefully getting good information and enjoyable company during the round. If the caddie does a poor job, make the best of it and make your feelings known gently and where prudent. It's not an easy job and if you've ever done it well, you would have far more understanding of what's involved and be less critical.