Having grown up playing the more traditional courses of Australia, I must admit I have never seen a statue on a golf course, however I can remember seeing a few photos of the Bobby Jones sundial outside the pro-shop at Augusta which looks great to me.
Of course there also appears to be some pretty average ones too, modern courses that try and buy a bit of tradition by building a statue like this.
I was intereted to see this photo posted by Melvyn Hunter Morrow, of Rospena.
I must admit I was disapointed to see such a piece of Americana dominating what appears to be a traditional
Scottish (EDIT, Irish) Links course with a pedigree going back over 100 years. Not only does it look American, it dominates and detracts from the landscape instead of fitting in with it. To add further insult, the statue is situated on a big, ugly concrete block.
So, what are some of the better golf statues out there? Where have clubs built statues that add to the club in good taste? Conversely, where else have statues been built that are a blight on the golfing landscape?