I think we need to ask some simple questions which span the generations.
That question being “Was there a problem with the game (note the word is game and not equipment)”
I believe that question would be the same for each decade and the answers would, I expect prove to be relatively close in a firm NO, that there is nothing wrong with the game. The problem comes with the meddlers from the designers who feel that design no longer describes their activities. Alas the modern architect is so from removed from the designer that he has become a Jack of all trades, Master of none.
We have gone out into the whole wide world believing that we have the ability, the technology and up to the recent past the money to design and build golf courses anywhere in this world of ours Some even believing that they can improve upon Nature ignoring some of the worst storms and weather conditions we have encounters in the last couple of years.
Have we learn from the past, apparently very little, was it not Laurence of Arabia who realised that working with Nature he could bring an army through an impenetrable desert. We forgot that one but the Japanese did not in the last war. It took us a couple of years for us to understand that you work with Nature because we cannot beat her.
If only we could learn, if only we could build our courses on land fit for purpose, if only we would stop tinkering with things, expecting technology to solve our problems for us. If only we did not want our cake and eat it too.
Nature is sending us a message, its very clear, work with me or I destroy your pathetic little efforts.
Learn from your mistakes but why change things if they have been proved . Golf has been proved the game of golf does not need changing its about the challenge not dumbing down of the game, the proof is there all to see, it explodes worldwide pre WW1 and continued to grow after the war.
But we will not learn, we will still have casualties cause by friendly fire because we go off half-cocked unaware what it is we are meant to be doing and with whom. If we could only F@#k+”g communicate with each other that would be a start, we could have serious debates on this or other blogs sites.
IF only we had retained Designers who were responsible for the course design, not architects that oversee a whole work load of other designers and contractors, seemingly hiding those responsible for the design or is it the shaper in the end with his bulldozer who actually shapes the course or his part of the course, If only we had someone who knew what he was doing and could control the whole site which includes the course design we might just get back to the quality courses of old
What a great game golf is, its great in all its parts, but if I could ride it would not wear me out so much, if something could tell me what club to use, that would de-stress me further save me learning club names or their purpose. If only I could hit the ball a long distance, all well that’s down to the equipment manufactures to bend technology into the game to make me look like a golfer. Then if only they would lengthen the course I could play a game of Target Golf.
If, if, if, if, if, if only some of you would have balls then you would be men. I like my women the way they are – of course that’s only my own humble opinion.
Melvyn (with no if’s and certainly no but’s)