I was watching a news report some weeks ago, it was one of SKY News programs which had a report from America in which it was clearly stated that much of the billions set aside for the rebuilding of Iraq has ‘disappeared’ which was apparently Bush’s administration concern pre-war, Nevertheless a large amount has gone.
Not my report but that of an American News channel, so please do complain, please shout out loud how appalling it is but do not have the impertinence to attack someone who had nothing to do with it but report the facts from a news programme.
This is so typical of you to attack before checking your facts. In future please check the facts before deciding to release a broadside, to many are being caught these days in so called ‘Friendly Fire’ incidents.
As for ignorance are we not seeing that nearly every day. Being British, American or whatever Golf can be played worldwide, and yes while we had an Empire golf went with the Scottish Troops around the world. Yet here again ignorance is being shown, the courses we all walking courses based upon the Scottish model, no carts, no super lawns, they used sand greens, crushed termite mounds Oh yes and they all walked in all temperatures, keeping faith and the spirit of the game intact, they did not go seeking how to make the game easy. I have played in India Brazil and Nigeria, I have seen and plain earth courses and Teed off 3M high from a termite mounds, played on red sandy greens all in the heat and humidity on courses that worked with the local environment. Yes David I am proud that throughout all the heat and humidity we Brits still honoured the game and its traditions, but that David takes balls and commitment.
After Ran’s recent comments and guys leaving I thought you might have checked the facts before launching an attack against me, yes please talk about ignorance, but look to your mirror when you do.
In the spirit of this site and golf I would be happy to hold out a hand of friendship as we have not met, but that is totally down to you.