I was fascinated (though I shouldnt have been that surprised) to read in the Australian Golf Architecture magazine (superb) about how rough came from courses saving time and money by only tending certain areas of the course rather than everywhere.
I have a photo of a Links course somewhere and it seemed there was little or no rough, looked like the rabbits had been busy, as it was basically just a 500 yd wide fairway with holes streaming up and down it but to be honest it was like one giant open plot where you could play pretty much anywhere (maybe the photo angle was deceptive)
anyway, I loved that course, not sure what it was though.
I know Augusta used to have no rough, although it is tree lined so its not totally free
but what other courses are well known for no rough, super wide open areas and very little in the way of trees, plants, or grass in fact... ie, imagine a links fairway 500 yds wide, 2000 yds long, humped and hollowed and bunkered but nothing else.
Are there any courses that come close to this kind of "feel"?
sorry if this is a stupid question, I am just curious