This is almost too hard for me which means I have been blessed. I am sure many other feel the same.
Instead I will say what I did a few nights ago. I had been wokring crazy hours for months (still am!!), the girlfriend was on my case and I am trying to buy my first house. It was all too much!!
At 8pm I grabbed my bag, drove to the gate by the 6th tee at North Berwick and let myself in to what always seems like the secret garden. I got hit with an empty golf course, a gentle Westerley breeze and my favourite view in golf. Westerdunes sands all the way down to Fidra. I played 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, then from the 16th tee to 3rd green, then 4 and 5 to finish. One last look at Fidra before going back through the gate, locking it and going for a fish supper. Now that is my idea of stress relief.