There is clearly a big gap between what you think you know about golf by that I mean real golf not this sitting down and riding everywhere using your electronic helper to advise club choice. A real golfer knows golf is a walking game and that it was intended from the start for ones eyes to work out distance.
Now that we know we are talking about the same subject lets think – oh yes its Links Golf it’s the Open played on Links Courses which suffer or bask in (whichever is your preference) the glory of changeable weather.
I find it utterly amusing that you as an American playing a round in what is the average time over there 5-6 hours, cannot allow a minute or two for the wind to settle allowing the ball to rest. Its links golf open to the elements and generally governed by wind and rain. Balls move on links courses from time to time, that’s part of the game and a little time should be allowed for settlement. But Niall make a good point, which I take a step further The R&A believe we have to pamper the Pros, break up the flow of the competition rendering the score for that day in real doubt and certainly unfair. Makes you wonder if it was not set up to aid Tiger after all had he not just started a round.
Talk about American courses as I cannot comment as have no info on them but dare to talk about me and TOC. Tom you know Sh~t about it and me come to that.
The facts of the matter are that The R&A are not governing they are making money, so looks like all their decisions seem to revolve around the money men . As for technology they have ignore the question and subject, Allowing carts into a Walking Game and then artificial aids to advise on distances – that’s outside help – they are encouraging players to cheat. Think I am going to support a flawed institution who have their hands in the till making money out of golf while the game is ripped open allowing any form or aid. Yet worst still allowing a course to have a NO walking policy is just a total betrayal of the fundamental principles at the heart of the game of golf. Remember just a few months ago they said there was no problem, so ball roll back, God their heads are so far up their own backside they are feeding on their own lies.
If one is a real golfer then you will want to see the game flourish, beautiful courses for golfers, not to sell homes, but there for the pleasure of the golfer. No cart track and only carts for those that need them, as for distance aids, they are just not needed taking away another vital part of the game the ability to think the game through on ones own. If you need distance info to work out which club to select, then just what the hell are you doing on a golf course in the first place. As for the pros they use the same day to day courses we use. More money needs to go to the clubs and not into the pockets of the Pros, to keep overall cost down making Green fees more reasonable. Tell me is this on the R&A agenda or are they looking already to the next Open and the revenue it will create.
People don’t listen, that’s fine with me but like my early comments about Tiger some will wake up and see that I may have a point re the R&A as well. At least I am trying to make people aware of potential problems, leaving it so that they can decide for themselves.