"By the way, Golf Digest incorporates "playability" into their number....Some agree with this, some disagree. Either way, you have to agree, Pine Valley gets low a playability score. You can't have it both ways."
Who wants it both ways? Pine Valley doesn't, never did. Golf Digest? I really don't think they nor their "playability" number would influence Pine Valley and its course. I sure know it would never influence my opinon of the course as the best. What about the fact that practically everyone who has played the course seems to have enjoyed themselves? Does that sound like pain to you? It sounds like pleasure to me, ie, pleasurable!
If you're really trying to identify some ideal architectural "principle" with MacKenzie's statement, you've failed to do it, in my opinion. "Playability number" or no "playability number", Golf Digest's or anyone else's, Pine Valley, whatever it is, has pretty much proven it's inured itself against things like that, criteria like that. Why do you suppose anyone and everyone would like to play the course?
Probably because anyone and everyone really does believe, for some reason, it's the best and has been all these years---probably because it just is, period.