First, if the course is relative to anything Trump puts his name on, (or his hair), excluding the Trump Tower in Chicago,
it will be a giant pile of Scottish sheep turds, gold, waterfalls, and wasted space. Let's also note that while good looking,
the Trump Tower is over half-empty. I don't think the old Scottish real estate market is faring much better than
graft-ville (Chicago).
Second, the environment does not need more golf courses, especially one built by the most ludicrous and assinine celebrity businessman. He is a lousy developer who seeks luxury over aesthetics, and audacity over discretion.
Third, Trump cheats at golf. A friend of mine used to caddy at Trump National, and has witnessed first hand, Trump's caddy's
drop wedge routine. "Trump doesn't lose a ball," is what the caddy master used to say up there. Cheaters should be barred
from building golf courses, or putting their footprint near a course in golf's motherland.
I hope the environmental terrorists get to Trump's work before Trump gets to work.